People participate in journal clubs or book clubs. Geek Club is my affectionate term for documenting summaries of all the geeky stuff I read. I work as a physiatrist at the East Orange VA hospital in NJ. This may also serve as a resource for the residents who rotate through there.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

C7 to Flexor Carpi Ulnaris?

According to Dumitru, there are two "communicating branches" in the majority of brachial plexi. One of them is a connection between the medial and lateral pectoral nerves. The second is referred to as "lateral root of the ulnar nerve" which is present in 43 to 92% of brachial plexus dissections. This suggests that it is not an anomaly but a major portion of the brachial plexus ignored in standard descriptions. This arises from the lateral cord, communicates with the medial branch of the medial cord to the median nerve, and the continuation of this connection to the ulnar nerve itself. This is an explanation for the contribution from C7 to the ulnar.