People participate in journal clubs or book clubs. Geek Club is my affectionate term for documenting summaries of all the geeky stuff I read. I work as a physiatrist at the East Orange VA hospital in NJ. This may also serve as a resource for the residents who rotate through there.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Phorest & Trees 2020-10

Phorest & Trees

Sharing the things I’m reading (for better or worse)

Hope you enjoy the new look!


AANEM Guidance on the upcoming 2021 CODING CHANGES

Some of you are probably already aware of the upcoming changes to E&M office visit coding. If you’re interested in their take on it, there is a comment by them from earlier this month and this recent Q&A by AANEM. That article led me to this link at the AMA. I plan to do a summary of the new coding in the future but for now, if you’re wondering how it will affect your electrodiagnostic coding, heeeeere’s Carrie!



Physiatrist’s Coding Cheat Sheet

And even though the timing couldn’t be worse (see above), I’ve finally completed a coding cheat sheet that I’ve been slowly putting together. It’s weird because the front is bifold and the back is trifold. So you will have to pick how many folds are important to you. Also, it’s not super easy to understand without some explanation but I offer it anyway. See attached


Pulley my Finger

I know everyone gets jazzed about seeing things on ultrasound, but how cool is it when you can see things intra-operatively… Attached are pictures of the A1 pulley (often attributed to triggering) and the tendon after release. Just for fun.


Goodbye Dr. Weinberger

Those of you who have rotated at the VA may remember Dr. Larry Weinberger, neuropsychologist who performed many of the comprehensive TBI evaluations. He’s been a close friend of us physicians and we are going to miss him as he leaves for retirement. Attached are a few pictures of us (temporarily removing our masks) posing for pictures.


Injectology stuff

This study of PRP + HA is making the Doximity rounds. I really liked what they measured and found but can’t say I totally agree with the conclusions


This study on PRP for RTC disease did not show superiority to corticosteroid injections. It’s always interesting to me that most of these studies have some form of “steroids don’t offer long-term benefit.” I personally never expect them to do so but rather use them as a way of offering temporary relief so that the patient can fully enroll themselves in the therapy which will actually address the underlying issues. We already know that muscle, tendon, and even ligament will remodel if forces are applied through them. I suppose the advocates of “PRP vs steroid” want to kickstart that process.



I remember when my good friend/mentor, Susan Garstang was tasked with coming up with milestones as mandated by the ACGME. Personally, I thought it was an upgrade from what we had before. A recent publication by some reputable names in our field tell us that they do have some predictive value for board scores.


AANEM Meeting 2020

it was fantastic. They set a high bar for what a virtual meeting can be. Residents were asking for the link where is here. I believe you have till the 9th or you can purchase 3 years of access to the lectures. Devin Rubin’s “You make the call” series has everything you need to know about needle emg. I attended a session with Larry Robinson where I directly got to ask him questions that are going to change my practice. (Ben Levy, let’s talk about inching again!) 



Other than MSK, there is a lot of research into muscle in various conditions. Attached is an early look at a review from Muscle and Nerve


Natural Medicines

After watching a 1 hour info session on this, the bottom line is this website.



  • Burn pit exposure gets some attention. Unfortunately many of my veterans express consternation with this so I found it a good read.
  • An attempt to offer objective benefit of Cupping. Doesn’t matter if you don’t address the underlying issue.
  • DMARD switching and mood disorders
  • Recently a book came out on mental health in musicians reviewed in Mix magazine. I attached a screenshot of that article.
  • Are you stuck in Act1 of your life, or are you ready to take the red pill?
  • The residents shared the cute attachment on the etymology of well-known candy bars.



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