People participate in journal clubs or book clubs. Geek Club is my affectionate term for documenting summaries of all the geeky stuff I read. I work as a physiatrist at the East Orange VA hospital in NJ. This may also serve as a resource for the residents who rotate through there.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Phorest & Trees 3/2021



Phorest & Trees

Just sharing the things I’m consuming (reading but not eating).

 Haven’t shared since before the holidays. I hope you and your families are healthy and safe. 

The Landmark Scoliosis study

At the board review course, Dr. Goldstein pointed to this study as a game changer for scoliosis.


Found on Doximity

  • The International society of sports nutrition position on caffeine & Exercise may surprise you.
  • If one of you ultrasound nerds can look at this one, I’d appreciate your opinion on whether you think ultrasound vibro–elastography might replace invasive carpal tunnel pressure testing.
  • Oh the lengths we’ll go for back pain. Biomarker correlation to Modic changes. Who knows, we may have a blood test as a screen for who should get MRI…
  • The case for why technology won’t replace us in rehab medicine.
  • One local doctor’s way of connecting with patients.
  • This editorial may have been written after a few cocktails but it does present some interesting views on what we inject. If that’s not exciting enough for you, try injecting stem-cell rich prolo into the fat pad and then write about it as a retrospective case series.
  • ESWT is making a comeback in terms of articles. A Chinese study found improvement in knee OA at 8 tendon/ligament sites over placebo ESWT.
  • Meta-analysis finds hydrodilitation + CSI superior for frozen shoulder
  • Yuck: One sweaty, huffing, exercising body emits 5x the chemicals and those human emissions, including amino acids from sweat or acetone from breath, chemically combine with bleach cleaners to form new airborne chemicals with unknown impacts to indoor air quality.


Advice on Long Living, Resilience, Stoicism, & kindness From a 95 year old WW2 amputee

A beautiful write up on a former patient of mine. A German doctor showed clever compassion to save his life.


Amputee/Proshetics stuff

The following are provided mostly for the concise introductory reviews on their topics that the research was based on.

COVID stuff


The Placebo effect in CIDP

Dr. Shenoy gives an excellent talk on the placebo effect. This is an application of that content. Science News: Placebo Effect in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy: The PATH Study an | American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine (


Biden’s Healthcare priorities

Here they are

